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Ava Kingdom's

 Royal Angel Weights 

The Discovery of historical treasures from Ava’s first dynasty in Myanmar portrays a glorious kingdom and heritage. It further defines the countries character of elegance and deep rooted beliefs. Ancient artifacts and treasures were hidden by King Mobye Narapati in 1551 AD. In secret, these antiquities were preserved for centuries during the shift of kingdoms and prosperity within the region. They were silently guarded alongside diaries unveiling stories of kings, war, patriotism, and devotion. This untold history tells of kingdoms as they rise and fall, including information about King Mobye Narapati’s mysterious disappearance and death. Moreover, these diaries unveil the origins of their cultural symbolism, religious markings, ideology, and invaluable historical documentation. 

Ava’s ancient kingdoms priceless treasures and physical evidences portrayed in works of art imbued by the hands of devoted and gifted Pyin Yarshi, revealed. All that was held most sacred and precious to this ancient civilization was secretly protected for centuries by 15 generations of noble men. These caretakers compelling loyalties were bound by honor and a blood oath with King Mobye Narapati. They vowed to protect their cultural evidences at all costs, ensuring it would never be lost or forgotten- Regalia that adorned royalty, gold, priceless jewels, artifacts that embellished their palaces, temples and palatial altars, golden manuscripts only for the eyes of a king, and more. Preserved with the rarest of Ava's treasures, perceived irreplaceable and most precious above all, their Royal Angel Statues "Weights." 

Royal Angel Weights were the very heart, essence, and strength of Ava’s first kingdom because of their believed sacred influences with deities. They were esteemed more precious than gold and the envy of all other kingdoms. Angel Weights became the center of the conflicts for centuries; for people believed whoever possessed the Royal Angel Weights controlled the city and country, world and nature, the sky and everything beyond. In belief, all things were influenced by these sacred emblems. As such, Angel Weights were so highly revered; they were reserved and preserved by kings who held them as the guardians of spirituality, prosperity, and happiness of the Burmese kingdom. intention is to portray a visible memorial to remember these guardians clandestine acts of courage. A tribute to those silenced because of unfailing devotion to silence, honor, and higher purposes. We hope to echo their esoteric sentiments and desires, also share their unseen loyalties that compelled them to risk it all. These heroes lives are worthy of honor as history will be defined by their valor and unfailing courage. The world deserves to hear their story.

In our ongoing process of sharing, we will only be able to visibly share a very small portion of the King Mobye Narapati discovery.  The entirety of this amazing discovery of treasures from Ava's first kingdom must be disclosed by the countries government, whose care it is in. As Myanmar presents these findings to the world, it will further document the countries rich heritage. Myanmar’s future joined with its past secures a common bond shared by all their people. The historical significance and awareness of these findings will bring further admiration and respect. People from all lands will marvel at the enchanting cultures and people of Myanmar, “The Golden Land.”

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A tribute to kings and 15 generations of noble men of the kingdom of Ava (Inwa),

described in ancient Pali script ऋअतनपुर;  Ratanapura; "City of Gems."